Astrophotography from the pampas, Argentina. - Peltier Cooler Box - New Version
Thanks, Jeff. I added more details in the description above. Bear in mind, thou, that the shown plastic cabinet is manufactured in Argentina, so you will have to look for something similar in your...
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina. - A barlowed Cent A from rural...
Ignatio,<br /> <br /> As always, I am very impressed with your superb images. They really show what can be achieved with a (low cost)DSLR and it they give the traditional cooled CCD astro...
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina. - Barlowed Sombrero Galaxy
One of my favorites. LOVE it.
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina. - Lagoon Nebula (M8) from Rural...
Muchas felicidades Ignacio por tu magnífica foto merecedora de un APOD. Saludos desde México.
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina. - Zenithal Color Moon
This is absolutely brilliant ; what were the exposure settings?<br /> Thank you
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina. - NGC 300, a galaxy in Sculptor
Very nice job ! Why so much bias ?<br /> Thanks,<br /> <br /> Clear skies.<br /> Michel
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina. - A Barlowed Trifid Nebula
Really excellent ! - as a fellow astro photographer I know how difficult it can be to get such great images as you have here - well done - thank you for sharing with the world.
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina. - lagoon nebula (M8)
very gooooood sight!!!
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina, by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo. -...
Stunning, absolutely superb! the star colours are sublime, I take my hat off to you, DSLR stars are hard fought for...
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina, by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo. -...
Very beautiful. Wonderful color.
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina, by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo. - Saturn
impresionante tacho!! justamente anoche estuve viendo un programa sobre saturno y sus lunas, fijate si enfocas Titan y encontras vida en los rios de methane!
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina, by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo. - 47...
The asymmetrical composition is effective, as is the contrast between the two clusters.
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina, by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo. - Moon-...
This feels so real, and the hazy quality adds to the image's character rather than diminishing it. Bravo!
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina, by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo. -...
Wow! That's first class use of technology! Great job!
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina, by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo. - saturn
What is the information on this image? Date, location of shoot, equip. used and settings please? Beautiful almost edge on, one version I've never seen. Great job, keep-em comin!
View ArticleAstrophotography from the pampas, Argentina, by Ignacio Diaz Bobillo. - Lunar...
Great picture! very silvery moons!!
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